109 Palliser Trail
Bar Nun Saloon and Smokehouse
217 2nd Ave West
Cactus Corner Café
East of Hanna on highway 9, 10 km @ the intersection of highway 9 & 36
Canada Grey Restaurant
616 2nd Ave W
Hanna Golf & Country Club
201 Golf Course Crescent
Hanna Pizza & Steakhouse
226 2nd Ave W
Jerry’s Burger Baron
West of Hanna on highway 9
Nick’s Restaurant
113 Palliser Trail
101 A Palliser Trail
Tim Hortons
606 West Industrial Road
York Restaurant
303 1st St W
Barnesy’s Place
Empress – 311 2nd St W
Small World Café
Youngstown – 301 Main St
The Prairie Girl
Cessford – 130 1st Ave
If you’re looking for an investment opportunity, look no further than the Harvest Sky Region. Our economic development corporation takes an agile approach to developing the local economy, supporting business investment by providing a single point of contact that drives both growth and opportunity.
As an arm’s length, independent, board-driven organization, the Harvest Sky Economic Development Corporation moves beyond government election cycles to focus on growth, giving investors peace of mind and stability. They also integrate economic development with our vibrant tourism sector to ensure the region is marketed seamlessly and effectively.
We share the story of our region locally and with western Canada to help ensure our investors and businesses succeed. Our goal is to maximize the return to our region and so we put the needs of our businesses and investors first and work closely with our key partners to take a strong, coordinated approach to growth. Contact us today to discuss investment opportunities in our region.
The Harvest Sky Region offers a wealth of opportunity for anyone interested in starting or growing a business. Thanks to ample, affordable land, low taxes, and low-cost infrastructure, it’s easy to make your dreams a reality and reach new heights of success.
Our business community is well supported by our economic development corporation’s connected network, innovative approach, and access to information. We support the growth of our businesses through diversification and by ensuring their value chains continue to grow. Here, you’ll find an accessible, cost-effective location to not just grow your business, but to watch it thrive.
Our region is focused on ensuring our low regulatory requirements stay low. This eliminates the barriers to starting a business that you might come up against in large municipalities. Contact us to find out how we can help your business succeed.